Now you will no longer be able to forward WhatsApp messages to more than 5 times. Announcement from WhatsApp on Monday 21st January 2019 said it was restricting worldwide how many times any given message can be forwarded from 20 to 5.

Spreading of Mendacious campaigns and fake stories on WhatsApp has become a big problem around the world. Unlike other social media channels like Twitter and Facebook, WhatsApp messages are private and encrypted. Hence it’s very difficult to track the origin of the message.

WhatsApp spokesman said, “We’ll continue to listen to user feedback about their experience, and over time, look for new ways of addressing viral content.”

Countries like Oman with a fewer number of social problems may be affected by this release negatively as friends and groups are restricted to forward their messages. WhatsApp is already playing a major role in the communication system in Oman, not only among friends but within companies.  Due to it’s fast and convenience many companies in Oman are using WhatsApp as a communication method. So we will have to wait and see how the local market will adapt to this new version.

The company will release an update with forwarding limit, first to Android devices and then to IOS devices accordingly. Oman is expected the new release in near future.